Like Old Times

Sister Flair photos needed taking, and a What I Made film shot; so we made our way down to Caesar's Creek where the green grass rides up the dam like a great wave while brown water gushes forth from the embankment. We made faces in front of the camera while Mom shot from behind. We slapped the bugs as the sun blazed down on us. We ran like little girls across the biggest, smoothest, green hill we have ever seen. I was the fastest. "Just like old times", as Mom said.


  1. love it. :)

    also, Jess' dress is adorable!

  2. I love going to Caesar's Creek. :) I really like how you write on this blog, almost like poetry.

  3. Oooooh; the shots of the misty rainbow are stunning!<3 Its absolutely thrilling when rainbows pop up like that. =)


  4. i love this post :) childhood memories are so much fun :)
